Friday, October 28, 2016

Building my foundation. Organizing my tool box.

Don’t worry, middle schoolers still know how to play, make mistakes, joke around, and be unique, but.... we also know how to talk about our futures! The first step to “organizing our toolboxes” includes having conversations surrounding our big picture goals.  Sure, they might be years and years away, but how will we know how to get there without the destination in mind? Groups defined the differences between community colleges and universities, bachelors and masters degrees, and more!
It is a tough road, but no one is going to build your house for you. Let’s keep being our best selves and reach our goals! Asking for help along the way is what smart people do. So, ask away!

See Stella and Haseeb play college bingo while defining important terms on their path.  Ask them about the SATS, course loads, scholarships and financial aid.  They are college bound.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

High school, college, career: my path!

Hi everyone!
ESM advisory groups are goofy, serious, hungry, emotional, tired, hyper, excited, anxious, happy, and.... ALL the feelings you can imagine.  Good thing we can refocus after snack to talk about college bingo (and Hedgehogs, and pink unicorns.)  
On Friday, groups will be talking about career readiness, college vocabulary and high school choice.  What are you personality traits? How do they match up with a potential job???  Do you know what a scholarship is? A course load? How many times a day does your teacher say, “when you’re in college...” ?   We are with you on your path, but it’s your job to get on the right one for YOU! 

Hedgehogs of Room B204:

Friday, October 21, 2016

Pennies for Patients.. in action!

Ms. Riendeau’s advisory is still hosting PENNIES FOR PATIENTS for the Leukemia and Lymphoma  society.  It is incredible to see our ESM generosity in action.  Service learning means not only giving time, energy and in this case... pennies! but it also represents our character and care for others.

See below for the hallway action every morning:

Friday, October 14, 2016

Digital and Real Life Citizenship!

What does it mean to be a citizen of the world today? 

How are making good choices online the same or different from being smart "OFF line”? 
Advisory groups discussed safety, having manners, being a good “neighbor”, telling the truth, and more! 
Ms. Hays and Ms. Reisch’s groups highlighted the fact that being a good citizen means doing the right thing when people are looking... AND when no one is around. 

Speak up and speak out about being a citizen!! 

...Even the gecko promises to demonstrate digital and real life citizenship.   :-)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Service Start-Ups! Leukemia/Lymphoma society assembly.

Friday we had a 5th-8th grade get-together in the gym where student reps introduced members of the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society who spoke to us about blood cancers and how we can help.
Volunteers from the audience helped explain how blood cancer works (and is destroyed with chemo!) so students could better understand the importance of finding a cure, especially for kids who have it in our community and the state of CT.

Ms. Riendeau’s advisory is hosting Pennies for Patients this month where we’ll be bringing in change to donate to the society.  All proceeds will go to helping to find cures and treatments! :-)
The rules:
Bring in change to donate.
Pennies are worth the most points, so bring in bigger coins/bills to put in OTHER grade’s bottles to bring down their overall score.  Highest score wins an ESM prize PLUS the honor of donating for an incredible cause.

See the links HERE and HERE.

Donate starting next week! The bottles will be at the top of the stairs each morning.

Thomas, Daeshawn and Khamani demonstrating!